Thursday, October 8, 2009

How do I promote an Avon or Mary Kay Site.

One question I have been asked a lot this month is how do I or can I promote an Avon or Mary Kay Site.

The answer is yes and right here!

The whole idea behind is to get your site seen. I have read the same old tired analogy it goes a little something like this:

You will never see (pick your favorite store) Macys build a store in the middle of the (pick a place with no one) In the desert. The same is true for your website you want it on (choose a high traffic area) Main street.

While the above is true. Avon and Mary Kay have the same problem, No Visitors to the thousands of micro sites they give away. But you can stand out and you can be seen and it takes a little work each day.

All month long were going to help out Avon and Mary Kay reps get there site seen.
If you sell Avon or Mary Kay you need to get seen and learn the basics of networking we are here to help.

First step is to make a game plan
What do you want from your Site? And don’t say more sales!
Map out what you have now. You should be able to see some sort of stats on you Mary Kay or Avon site.

STEP ONE -----------------------------------------------------------------your first goal is to double your stats this week. How!? This is a two part step one is write a review of your Avon or Mary Kay site tell the world every thing you see as a CUSTOMER not a rep. Now sent it to me.
This cost you nothing, ($0), free

I will copy it and build a press release with it from our sites news letter and PR firm. I will then return you a link with your own press release that you can e-mail and share with you friends and family and on facebook twitter and myspace ect. It is yours so you can plug your own business.

I promise you you will double your traffic or get your money back.
I will then send you a link to my Avon Mary Kay blog with all the tips you will need to get more people with money to your site. After that its all up to you to follow the advice.

What makes me the authority on website promotion Very little But I do own a website that ranks in the top 250K in the world and have thousands looking for advice that I offer free.
Oh and I looked at all the facts when a cousin of mine started selling one of products and I want her to be successful, so I will give everyone the same advice as I’m going to give her.
